AIMS(tm) is a Java(tm)-enabled network management system for AVIDIA's ACX Series of high-performance switches. It provides total network management via the worldwide Internet, via a private ATM network, or via a private router-based backbone. AIMS(tm) is an option for AVIDIA's ACX-1200 Workgroup Switch, and is also available as a stand-alone software package which operates on a Windows NT(tm) platform.

AIMS provides a friendly, graphical interface for the configuration and management of AVIDIA switches. It provides a detailed graphic representation of the ACX Series front panels, showing the current status of each port, and provides remote, interactive manipulation of the configuration. Making use of a simple, intuitive point-and-click interface, AIMS makes network management easy and instantly accessible.

AVIDIA's Workgroup Switches are fully SNMP-manageable, and can be discovered and managed by popular SNMP management platforms such as HP's OpenView(tm). AIMS goes beyond mere SNMP and communicates with the ACX Series Switches to collect statistics, alarms, and performance data. AIMS forms high quality graphical representations of the switches using HTML, photo-realistic images, and intelligent Java applets.


Using an integral WEB server, AIMS responds to management inquiries with a customized AIMS "Home Page", allowing only authorized managers to gain access to subsequent management pages. AIMS does not respond to SNMP requests from the user interface side of the network, thereby allowing attachment to corporate Intranets without special security concerns.


Management of AVIDIA's Switches is truly platform-independent with AIMS. Any PC, UNIX workstation, Mac, or other device which supports a common WEB browser (for example, Netscape's Navigator(tm), Microsoft's Internet Explorer(tm), etc.) can be used to manage not just one switch, but all AVIDIA Switches in the network. Users are free to connect AIMS to their corporate Intranet, or to even post it on their World Wide Web home page. For the network manager, AIMS eliminates the need for another desktop computer dedicated to management, and eliminates the need for yet another application requiring integration on increasingly stressed integrated management platforms.


AIMS is available fully integrated within AVIDIA's ACX-1200 ATM Access Switch, providing a single high-speed ATM communications platform without the need for any external servers or interconnection devices to support network management. AIMS is also available as a stand-alone software package which runs on any Windows NT(tm) platform.

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�1996 AVIDIA Systems, Inc.

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